Saturday, July 26, 2014

Visit to ILL and ESRF in Grenoble

The openlab Summer Students went to visit the Institut Laue-Langevin and  the European Synchrotron on Friday. It was a very interesting visit especially after we knew already something about how CERN works. Both research centers are smaller than CERN and work on a little different basis. There are many more experiments and scientists from different fields come here to carry out experiments.

We got to see the data center at ILL, which was relatively small compared to the one at CERN but the data are not stored forever as at CERN. Then we visited the nuclear reactor at ESRF. It looked like in a movie or something :) I guess you usually don't have a chance to see something like that.

Anyway, the visit was great but I feel like I really want to work on my project at CERN. I had so little time to work that I'm actually really excited about finally having a week without traveling :) You can look forward to some more serious posts about the science we do here.

Me and a lot of dosimeters

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