Saturday, August 9, 2014

Money Money Money

Is it expensive here? The short answer is yes. Geneva is one of the most expensive cities in the world. The great thing is that CERN actually pays you enough to live comfortably even here, eat properly, and also have some fun.

As an openlab Summer Student, you get 90 CHF (2050 CZK, 100 USD, 75 EUR) per day plus some travel allowance and insurance. I pay 29 CHF (third of the thing above you know) per night in the hostel at CERN. I could have gotten a cheaper place to stay but I would not be in touch with the great people who I get to meet here.

Then you spend some amount of money for eating in the restaurants or you can cook in the kitchen in the hostel. There are fridges, dishes, everything. And then you probably buy some wine, chocolate, cheese, etc. Summer Students have enough money to live comfortably and travel around Europe over the weekends and just enjoy their time at CERN. Especially if it's someone's first time in Europe, it must be amazing.

By the way, my sister Pavlina and her friend Hana arrived today so you can look forward to a post written by my little sister tomorrow ;)

The average monthly wage in the Czech Republic is just like one of these bills

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