Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Oatmeal Mornings

One of the basic questions when you move somewhere else is what to eat. And the most important meal is breakfast. At least for me. When I don't eat properly in the morning, it doesn't matter how much I eat during the day, I end up hungry at night. 

So what do I eat here? I make my oatmeal. What started as a low-cost American college breakfast with Chun and Vashku evolved in a masterpiece. It consists of oats (What a surprise!), sugar (preferably brown) or honey, some nuts such as almonds, hazel nuts, pieces of coconuts or something, and some dried fruits. I prefer raisins, dried apricots, cranberries... Or I use fresh fruits like bananas, apples, peaches,... When I get bored, there is always the possibility of putting some chocolate in there :)

I love this, because it's quick, healthy, and filling. You just pour boiling water on it and you can eat it in 3 minutes. It's warm so it wakes up your body in the morning. It's rather healthy, not much processed stuff. It's easy to make since I can buy the ingredients in every supermarket. And it also makes me proud of myself for taking care of my body :) Which is a good feeling to start the day with. I just think it's great :)

Other essential parts of the morning routine are: turning on some energizing music and dance and possibly sing with Sofia, do some super short yoga (Sun Salutation) and there is no way this wouldn't wake me up. Also the neighbors appreciate our singing :) Luca said so a few days ago so I hope he really doesn't mind :)

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