Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Work Project

So I'm cheating a little today and I'm sharing only my original job description. It is really vague so if you don't get much it doesn't mean you're stupid but the text is just not very specific. Don't worry, I will describe what I do in more detail later.

Partner/group CERN IT DSS (Data Storage Services)
Title         EOS monitoring and analytics tools

The IT-DSS group at CERN runs and evaluates innovative cloud storage technologies for their application to big data problems in high-energy physics research. One of the main storage systems is EOS, a multi-Petabyte disk storage built from commodity hardware heavily used by LHC and non-LHC experiments, primarily for physics data.

In the scope of a common monitoring framework for our cloud storage services and in order to improve the analytics, the manageability and the user interface, the candidate will
* implement a probing system to check storage health and main KPI
* implement features for the web visualization of storage KPIs 
* investigate  the integration of other monitoring within the framework
* compare different solution of storage monitoring and analytic tools

The successful candidate will have knowledge of scripting languages (e.g. python/perl/bash) as well as java, experience with Linux and web services, and will enjoy working in a multinational team.

The student will gain working experience with a large-scale data storage system and exposure to several other user+support-facing IT services; contributions will be running in production - project will include roll-out procedures/cycles and user feedback.

Supervisor Luca Mascetti
Candidate(s) Miss WURZELOVA, Hana (Czech Republic) 

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